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CLIP Community Events


Action Team Events

Civic engagement

Combating racism

Financial wellness

Newcomer mental health and wellness


CENC Community Meetings

In response to the ongoing pandemic, the new Calgary East Zone Newcomers Collaborative (CENC) has created a rapid response specifically to help newcomers and ethnocultural communities with ongoing COVID-19 related needs. If you or someone you know has tested positive for COVID-19 and you need information and support in your home language, please contact (toll free) the multilingual emergency response centre at 1-833-217-6614.Cultural brokers provide support in 20+ languages with referrals to more than 16 agencies. If you are interested in more information about the CENC and the work being done to support people affected by COVID-19 in Calgary, you can participate in monthly community update meetings. Please email to be added to the invitation list. Highlights from the first community meeting on December 22 can be found here. You can also download the presentations from the event here. Additional information can be found on the CLIP CENC page.

CLIP community conversations

The Calgary Local Immigration Partnership is launching a series of CLIP Community Conversations and we want to hear from you! Over the next 6-8 months, we plan to meet with diverse groups of Calgary newcomers (self-defined) to learn more about what makes Calgary home, what helped you as you settled in the city, what advice you’d give to newcomers and where you see yourself five years from now. All of the information we gather will inform the building of a new CLIP Community Action Plan for 2021.

We anticipate that each CLIP Community Conversation event will be slightly different. Some may be language-specific, some may focus on a particular sector of the city, and others may focus on a particular topic or population group. If you have any ideas for a future CLIP Community Conversation event, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


We are always interested in hearing your stories. If you have a newcomer success story to share, please let us know! To read more about some of the amazing newcomers in Calgary, click here.